" Healing Mindset "
As a scientist, I do research on human cells and my understanding of the human body and disease are clear and on my website. My research program is very vast and i chose not to make all my knowledge being publicly available. Therefore, whatever is published on my website is a summary of the enormity of a complete physiological knowledge about the exact instruction of human body’s functioning.
But in fact, sometimes it happens that in some rare cases, I take care of people who are mentally ready and intellectually intelligent enough to understand my vision on the human body and don’t think of it as a temporary treatment.
I am even more against any alternative medicine than against conventional where I am issued from myself. The human body needs nothing GOOD if we don’t do the BAD to it. Even if the bad has been done, by simply taking away the bad, the body will recover and no need of adding anything at all.
In one word and a conclusion ; I think and know that the human body needs 10 times less food and if any definitely not what people think of………..and mostly water and OXYGEN ( people tempt to forget Oxygen ) which only comes with cardiovascular exercise ( a daily heartbeat over 150 during 40 to 50 minutes )………… and this way it will live healthy and disease-free for 300-400 years easily.
I am myself the living proof of what I preach and through my understanding of science of human body as the physiologist and anatomist (it is only a matter of different understanding of the same books and science ), I know that we can cure any disease; Cancer, Alzheimer, Parkinson, and etc, by letting the body do its job.
Saying so, One has to :
1- Forget about any medication, anything added from exterior, or even anything that might do so-called “GOOD” to the body: including herbs, organic and bio products, “healthy” oils and fats, replacement of medication coming from alternative medicine, etc…
2- A complete change of vision : from “ Eat more and in variety, to be strong and healthy ” to “ Don’t eat …. Run….. and drink body temperature water in order to be strong and healthy…”
And also, considering that state of being ill (even having a headache) or having any chronic disease, is not natural in itself and an ill body is already on a wrong path toward a disastrous life-threatening disease.
In that state it is not a matter of adding more food and supplements, as modern medicine makes people believe, but to CUT OFF the amount of food and question carefully whatever we put to our mouth, drink at least 5 liters of hot water to wash the intestines and organs, and run 5 times a week to push the cardiovascular system, to get enough of Oxygen, push the heartbeat higher to rise the inter-venous pressure to improve the blood circulation that is necessary to feed all the cells, and therefore this way cut completely the aging process, which is simply nothing else than cells dying from lack of their food : mainly water, oxygen and minerals from vegetables in the form of liquide soup.
3- Most important, to take such a care of its’ body that inquires everyday effort, and not only minding one’s comfort and pleasures, one needs to first ask himself:
…What is the sense of life anyway?
…Why did I come here on Earth for ?
…just to work, eat and sleep?
…just getting a degree and making a family?
…just waiting for a weekend with his so-called Friends and Family
and having a holiday, fun, parties…?
…And then get sick and start losing all the physical and mental abilities?
Here the downhill starts: desperately visiting hospitals and seeing all these helpless doctors, and eventually the person dies like a piece of nothing. Dying by cancer or a degenerative illness, if lucky, because it still give a chance to turn back, but otherwise by a heart attack in his sleep without any warning in case he was willing to try changing his way of living…
All this because he was too lazy to move his body more and could not control his tongue to eat less…………….
…and he calls that a LIFE?
So, now I deeply believe that someone with a deadly disease or even with any chronic health problem, has to start looking at life and it senses differently or his cells will not change direction in order to defend the body or even start the regeneration process.
This last part is extremely important, because in the end, according to me the body has to trigger the recovering process itself after having started the Number 1 and 2. But that recovering and body’s natural defense process that I emphasize on as the best medicine only begins when the N° 3 has already taken place in our soul.
I think I am clear enough in my explanation.
Once again, I don’t do any consultation face-to-face, over the phone or anything else. I actually have no time for that, although I will be happy enough if a sick person could recover from his problem and he will if he understands my explanation because I don’t see anything that body cannot recover from if one gives it its physiological environment first and a BIG sense of life along with it. If he/she needs to understand more about N° 3 on my conclusion above I have published books on that important subject (you have the links on my website to get them).
I suggest you to read my books more to get a better view of my global vision about health, which connects completely physical to mind and soul.
I also suggest you read the part “A day with Doctor EDEN” on my website to get a better idea of my personality as well.
The last point: in very rare cases when I see that some people are on the level of understanding of my knowledge and my vision for life, and despite my tight schedule, I will find time to help them personally to the end of this recovery. For free of course, and my reward will be just the joy of seeing someone else has a big Moral Sense of Life and comes out of being average through his disease, as a disease in itself is just awakening of the soul, a self-awareness, a higher intelligence, and nothing else. The one who understands that will be safe and ready for a new existence.
Dr. Fabio Eden
MD : Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
PhD : Space Medicine, Longevity Medicine, Physiology,
Sport physiology and Anatomy
7th Dan Black Belt Tae Kwon Do Master
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” People study the universe just by curiosity or to appear more knowledgeable than others as if they studied some machines that they saw just by curiosity but not real interest. The same way doctors study the human body and nature to talk like scientists, but not to know themselves and their own body and their own nature.
Some even claim that they write to share their knowledge and to teach something to others.
I don’t write books for any of these reasons. I have nothing to teach to anybody. I write books to clarify my own mind and soul. People don’t like to search for anything about themselves, in case they could find something wrong and would have to change it. I have no problem with finding my wrongs and changing them. My writings are my evolution throughout my life, and every discovery, or may I say new knowledge, is a change that I made in my previous vision. “