" Basic Of Health. "
1- Fasting
Physiologically talking, we need to fast because every cell has at all time some amount of stored resources including its own food under the form of glycogen. Every cell has to, once in a while, empty itself completely of its materials in order for it to recharge better and with cleaner stuff if I may say. In order to do so we need to abstain ourselves from eating so there are no more materials coming into our cells in order for the body to empty each and every single cell.
Of course, if you were used to eat the whole day and suddenly you decide that you are going to miss one meal per day for example, that will affect your system, simply because your system is not used to it. But it does definitely not affect your health because a little abstention from food has never done any harm to the organs, but it affects your usual habits and your internal clock will be a little disorganized. It’’s all about habits. But before that one should start knowing what is right or what is wrong, then from there they can decide the direction they want to follow. For example if you realize how good and healthy it is for the body to fast and avoid any ingestion during 15 to 18 hours a day for example, or even 24 hours if we add the sleeping period into that, then your system will cooperate with you and suddenly your determination becomes very strong and powerful. That is where the whole mystery relies on.
Unfortunately in our society, we got to the habit of thinking that we have to eat in order to be healthy and strong. Every organ in the body has a certain way of acting and reacting to the frequency of our food intake. They definitely need a certain amount of time for the recovery. The more you ingest the more work it is for the system to deal with. The amount of minerals, oligo-elements, and other real necessary food for the body is probably not even included in less than 10 % of the whole kind of food that one ingests during a day. More than 90 % of what one takes into the system is just an extra, but for what?! They do not know either but they are trying to convince themselves by thinking of this is good and that is good for us, so let’s take everything good and fill the body up with it, who cares about all the bad and wrong ones we take as well, which are more than 90%.
2- Cardiovascular Exercise
Physiologically talking, we need to fast because every cell has at all time some amount of stored resources including its own food under the form of glycogen. Every cell has to, once in a while, empty itself completely of its materials in order for it to recharge better and with cleaner stuffs if I may say. In order to do so we need to abstain ourselves from eating so there is no more materials coming into our cells in order for the body to empty each and every single cell.
Of course, if you were used to eat the whole day and suddenly you decide that you are going to miss one meal per day for example, that will affect your system, simply because your system is not used to it. But it does definitely not affect your health because a little abstention from food has never done any harm to the organs, but it affects your usual habits and your internal clock will be a little disorganized. It’’s all about habits. But before that one should start knowing what is right or what is wrong, then from there they can decide the direction they want to follow. For example if you realize how good and healthy it is for the body to fast and avoid any ingestion during 15 to 18 hours a day for example, or even 24 hours if we add the sleeping period into that, then your system will cooperate with you and suddenly your determination becomes very strong and powerful. That is where the whole mystery relies on.
Unfortunately in our society, we got to the habit of thinking that we have to eat in order to be healthy and strong. Every organ in the body has a certain way of acting and reacting to the frequency of our food intake. They definitely need a certain amount of time for the recovery. The more you ingest the more work it is for the system to deal with. The amount of minerals, oligo-elements, and other real necessary food for the body is probably not even included in less than 10 % of the whole kind of food that one ingests during a day. More than 90 % of what one takes into the system is just an extra, but for what?! They do not know either but they are trying to convince themselves by thinking of this is good and that is good for us, so let’s take everything good and fill the body up with it, who cares about all the bad and wrong ones we take as well, which are more than 90%.
3- Drinking warm water
More than 95% of our cell structure are water.
On the other hand, no one considers that being slow in intestinal transit is extremely dangerous for the health and we really have to have a clean bowl and digestive system at all time. There should be emptied every day and at least a big cleaning once a weak. To keep it empty it is as simple as drinking water at least at 98° F ( 37 °C) , body temperature, which washes away everything and you feel it as your need to go to the rest rooms will really increase.
Yes I say that because no doctor considers this fact as a direct or indirect therapy to all our health related problems. The fermentation of the foods staying in our bowls and their accumulation creates gases that eventually come upward and enter our stomach easily and irritate them as well. It was the cause number one in may problem.
What a world of ignorance we are living in, while I healed myself without any medical knowledge at the time but with a common sense of cleaning my body with as simple as hot water and not adding anything that is hard to transit through.
Dr. Fabio Eden
MD : Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
PhD : Space Medicine, Longevity Medicine, Physiology,
Sport physiology and Anatomy
7th Dan Black Belt Tae Kwon Do Master
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” People study the universe just by curiosity or to appear more knowledgeable than others as if they studied some machines that they saw just by curiosity but not real interest. The same way doctors study the human body and nature to talk like scientists, but not to know themselves and their own body and their own nature.
Some even claim that they write to share their knowledge and to teach something to others.
I don’t write books for any of these reasons. I have nothing to teach to anybody. I write books to clarify my own mind and soul. People don’t like to search for anything about themselves, in case they could find something wrong and would have to change it. I have no problem with finding my wrongs and changing them. My writings are my evolution throughout my life, and every discovery, or may I say new knowledge, is a change that I made in my previous vision. “